:Base Eudora.HLP>howto :Title Eudora Help 1 About This Release 2 What s New in this Release=Release_New 2 What s Changed in this Release=Release_Changes 2 Win32s Compatibility=Compatible_2.2 :Include Mhelpic.CNT 1 How To ... 2 Send Mail and Files 3 Creating & Saving a Message=pro_create 3 Attaching a File to a Message=pro_attach 3 Sending a Message=pro_send 2 Setup a Signature and Nicknames 3 Creating a Signature=pro_sig 3 Creating, Renaming, and Removing Nicknames=pro_nick 2 Check For Incoming Mail 3 Checking For Mail Automatically=pro_checkauto 3 Checking For Mail Manually=pro_checkman 3 Changing Your Password=pro_changepass 2 Respond To Incoming Mail 3 Replying to a Message=pro_reply 3 Forwarding a Message=pro_forward 3 Redirecting a Message=pro_redirect 2 Organize Your Mail in Mailboxes 3 Transferring a Message=pro_transfer 3 Deleting a Message=pro_delete 2 Give Information to Eudora Developers 3 Reporting Bugs=Bugs 3 Making Suggestions=Suggest 1 Tips and Tricks 2 Using Active URLs=URLs 2 Using the EUDORA.INI Settings File=eudora_ini 2 Shift + Key Equivalents=short_shift 2 Ctrl + Key Equivalents=short_ctrl 2 Other Important Keys=short_other